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Lifestyle Medicine Program Track - 2 courses per quarter

  • Total Credits: Minimum 45 Quarter Hours (QH)
  • Lifestyle Medicine Core: 22 QH
  • Applied Research Core: 11 QH
  • Elective Credits: 6 QH
  • IS/Practicum Project: 6 QH

Required Courses

Year One

  • Fall
    • HLSX 568 Health and Information Literacy for Healthcare Professionals 3 QH
    • HLSX 570 Modern Nutrition 3 QH
  • Winter
    • HLSX 530 Statistics for Health Professionals 4 QH
    • HLSM 500 Chronic Preventable Disease and Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine 3 QH
  • Spring
    • HLSX 572 Health and Wellness Coaching 3 QH
    • HLSM 501 Strategies to Manage Mental and Emotional Health and Avoiding Risky Substances 3 QH
  • Summer
    • HLSX 583 Advanced Nutrition and Chronic Disease 4 QH
    • HLSX 576 Nutrition and Human Physical Performance 3 QH

Year Two

  • Fall
    • HLSM 600 Concepts of Population Health and Personal Health 3 QH
    • Elective Option 3 QH
  • Winter
    • HLSX 592 Research Design 4 QH
    • Elective Option 3 QH
  • Spring
    • HLSM 690 Independent Study - Practicum Project 6 QH
    • Elective Option 3 QH


  • HLSX 541 Community Health Assessment & Intervention
  • HLSM 601 Culinary Medicine
  • HLSX 573 Instructional Design for Health Education
  • HLSX 569 Communication Strategies, Methods and Techniques
  • HLSX 575 Complementary Medicine and Dietary Supplements